טיפול שיקום ופנאי

The Third Annual Purim Costume Make-a-Thon

| April 24, 2018

Last week we held the third annual Purim Costume Make-a-Thon at Beit Issie Shapiro, an emotional event full of imagination, creativity and inspiration. This year we had close to 30 children and youth with disabilities who use wheelchairs or walkers, work together with design student volunteers from The Holon Institute of Technology. The volunteers helped the participants and their families turn the wheelchair or walker into an essential element of the costume.

The idea for this event rose out of conversations with parents and children who shared that, often, the wheelchair or walker hides the child’s costume, taking away some of the magic of dressing-up. With this event the wheelchair or walker becomes an essential element of the costume, creating something unique and fun. A wheelchair, for example, can be turned into a DJ booth, or into Moana’s boat and a walker can be turned into a fighter jet.

Throughout the event the air was alive with energy. Parents and children shared how significant the experience is for them. That because of this event, their mobility device, something that often brings them frustration, turns into something special and unique. With these costumes, the other children at school look at them with wonder (and even a little jealousy), changing their whole holiday experience.

Have a look at the photos below and feel their joy:

Presenting… Batman Brian, and his Batmobile:

Our Batman, Brian

Our Batman, Brian

Roni the D.J.:

Roni in her D.J. booth

Roni in her D.J. booth

Avital, the cola can, ready for delivery:

Avital: A cola bottle, cold and fresh straight from the delivery truck

Avital: A cola bottle, cold and fresh straight from the delivery truck

Aviezer, our Olympic Swimmer:

Aviezer, an Olympic swimmer in his Olympic pool

Aviezer, an Olympic swimmer in his Olympic pool

And here is Anna…oops…Meya, dressed up as Anna in her sleigh:

Meya dressed as Anna from Frozen, in her sleigh

Meya dressed as Anna from Frozen, in her sleigh

Presenting…Lior dressed up as Iron Man:

Lior dressed up as Iron Man

Lior dressed up as Iron Man

Roni! Our Moana, paddling her boat with all her might

Roni paddling in her boat as Moana

Roni paddling in her boat as Moana

Matan, the pirate, in his pirate ship:

Matan’s pirate ship

Matan’s pirate ship

Presenting…Shir, dressed up as Tinkerbell

Who is that – Shir or Tinkerbell?

Who is that – Shir or Tinkerbell?

Presenting…Erez as SpongeBob SquarePants in his boat:

SpongeBob SquarePants on his way to Bikini Bottom

SpongeBob SquarePants on his way to Bikini Bottom

Here is Amit in her vibrant rainbow:

Amit and her magical rainbow

Amit and her magical rainbow

Danielle, the pirate, complete with her sidekick parrot:

Danielle, the pirate, and her parrot sailing the seas in their pirate ship

Danielle, the pirate, and her parrot sailing the seas in their pirate ship

And here is Sarah, our Minnie Mouse:

Minnie Mouse in her pink car

Minnie Mouse in her pink car

Omer, the devil, in her devil-mobile:

Omer in her devilish car

Omer in her devilish car

Presenting… Zohar, the Care Bear

The Care Bear riding on her rainbow

The Care Bear riding on her rainbow

And here is Yarden, the world’s most enchanting fairy:

Yarden the fairy

Yarden the fairy

Shira the Flower Queen:

Shira in her flowery costume

Shira in her flowery costume

Elay, Our race car driver:

Elay, the speedy race car driver

Elay, the speedy race car driver

Neria, the fighter pilot

Neria the pilot in his fighter jet, with his co-pilot by his side

Neria the pilot in his fighter jet, with his co-pilot by his side

Maor, the sweetest unicorn:

A sweet unicorn gets a ride on her rainbow in the clouds

A sweet unicorn gets a ride on her rainbow in the clouds

Shira the bookworm:

Shira the bookworm carries her favorite books with her wherever she goes

Shira the bookworm carries her favorite books with her wherever she goes

Efrat, a bride in her bridal car:

The most beautiful bride in the world

The most beautiful bride in the world

And here is Klil Or, the peacock:

Klil Or as a colorful majestic peacock

Klil Or as a colorful majestic peacock

Can’t wait to see you again next year!

Hanging out in the yard

Hanging out in the yard

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