טיפול שיקום ופנאי

Shana Tova – New Activities for the New Year

Dana Cappel, occupational therapist | August 30, 2021

graphic saying shana tova

Is your shofar ready? Rosh Hashana falls early this year, September 6-8, 2021, and the school year has barely begun! At Beit Issie Shapiro, we’ve been working hard to get activities in order so you can have fun interactive and digital activities ready for Rosh Hashana and all the coming holidays, as soon as school begins. Click on the titles or the photos to play online, or open in the Ji Tap app.


Rosh Hashana is coming!

For the little ones, we have a wonderful new activity that explores the symbols of Rosh Hashana. Enjoy some Rosh Hashana songs and follow Apple, in an endearing story, on her journey to find honey for a sweet new year.

Screenshots from the activity Rosh Hashana is coming. inlcudes images of a shofar , apple and honey, pomegranate, and greeting card

Screenshots from the activity Rosh Hashana is coming!

Yom Kippur: Asking for Forgiveness

For kindergarten and elementary students, we have a thought-provoking activity that helps children think through the ideas of self-reflection and asking for forgiveness, important elements in Yom Kippur observance.

Screenshots from Yom Kippur activity

Screenshots from Yom Kippur activity

Holiday Activities in Hebrew

The above activities are available in Hebrew as well. Here are the links.

Rosh Hashana is coming! (Hebrew)

Yom Kippur: Asking for Forgiveness (Hebrew)


The following activities are available in Hebrew only, but if you download them to your Ji Tap app you can record them in your own language. If you decide to keep them in Hebrew, know that the instructions are simple and the activity is easy to play.

חגי תשרי (Tishrei Holidays)

Learn all about the Holidays of Tishrei with Chagi and his family.

screenshots from Tishrei HOlidays activity

Screenshots from Tishrei Holidays activity


סופרים בראש השנה (Counting on Rosh Hashana)
Join Chagi in a basic math skills game for Rosh Hashana.

Screenshots from the rosh hashana counting activity

Screenshots from the Rosh Hashana counting activity

Holiday cards

Ji Tap is also a great way to create greeting cards for Rosh Hashana. The app is super easy to use and so easily adapted for use by a variety of learners that most students are able to create greetings cards with little help. It’s simple, really. Design a card using the Rosh Hashana creation packs in the app, add personal photos, add text, save the screen as a photo, and print. For students that don’t yet type, we often have them choose symbols that we’ve saved in the device photo gallery. It’s adaptations like these that allow students of different abilities to participate in this wonderful holiday tradition. For many of our families, receiving cards like these was the first time they received a card from their child that the child was able to make on their own!

screenshot of a card with symbol pictures, a girl's photo and holiday stickers

A Rosh Hashana greeting card created in Ji Tap


little jars with notes attached

Rosh Hashana gifts for parents with their child’s cards attached


Wishing a Shana Tova (Happy New Year) to all our friends.


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