Next week, Jewish people around the word will celebrate the holiday of Passover. In this post we wanted to share various Haggadas with you that we have created or found to improve participation of all family members in the Passover Seder.
The first one, a printed Haggadah (because assistive technology includes low-tech too), was made for the children in our early intervention program. The haggadah includes interactive activities allowing for greater participation in the traditional Seder meal and ceremony. Over the last week the children learned about the Passover Seder and each will receive a Haggadah to take home and use on the holiday with their families.
See the Haggadah in the following video.
The second Haggadah was made for our youngest children taking into consideration their age, and language, motor, and intellectual abilities.
See the attached video.
Our third Haggadah, which you may already be familiar with, was made for our school-age children using the app Tiny Tap. This week our students held a mock Seder, using their Haggadah to participate and follow along. You can find this Haggadah here.

A mock Seder, this week in our school.
We would also like to tell you about a wonderful Haggadah made by Efrat Petroff, based on our Haggadah in Tiny Tap. Efrat used the app Ji Tap to create her Haggadah and adapted it to the Haredi Jewish community. You can see her Haggadah here.
Another Haggadah we found is that of Agudat Ami, an organization providing services for people with intellectual disabilities. This Haggadah, made in collaboration with The Shalem Fund, is written using simpler language and visual features. It includes symbols to indicate various actions and features of the Seder helping readers to follow along. It also includes artwork by members of Agudat Ami. You can see and download the Haggada here.
We also recommend looking at Matan and Gateways websites to find additional adapted printable materials for Passover. These websites include materials in English as well.
To finish, we would like to share with you a song that one of our kindergarten teachers did in Israeli Sign Language. She shared it with all the parents in her class so they could learn it and sing along with their children. What an inspiration!
Hope you all have a happy holiday!