טיפול שיקום ופנאי

Free Upcoming Webinars from The Technology Center at Beit Issie Shapiro

By: Dana Cappel, occupational therapist | April 10, 2020

Photo of girl using iPad with title innovation and technology

At Beit Issie Shapiro we are continuing to offer services to the community of people with disabilities and those that care for them in any way that we can.  We are currently offering two free webinars this month, one regarding the use of technology for communication and one regarding technology for play and leisure. Both topics continue to be relevant, maybe even more so now when families are spending more time together at home.

The webinars will be offered in English and are open to everyone and geared for parents, professionals, students, and people with disabilities. Links to details and registration are included below each photo.


When Technology Meets Communication:  Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Children with Disabilities

April 22, 2020

girl and therapist looking at iPad together

For details and registration click here.


Technology for Play and Leisure: Enhancing the Experience for Children and Adults with Disabilities

April 30, 2020

Boy sitting in wheelchair at a desk. Playing cards and eye gaze computer on desk kin front of him.

For details and registration, click here.


Wishing good health to all our readers and looking forward to seeing you.

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