To help parents and children with special needs who are home during the COVID-19 pandemic, accessible software companies are offering extended free trials on select software.
Here are two great companies that we love and use regularly:
An educational website with the largest online collection of learning activities for learners with special needs. The activities are categorized by subject and in the settings for each activity, you can choose the access method from touch, mouse, one or two switches, and eye gaze. There is also an option to filter by access type to make activity selection easier.

Screenshot of Ginger Tiger website
** Ginger Tiger is offering a 30-day free trial for all the activities on their website. Coupon code: CoronaVirus
Inclusive Technology and HelpKidzLearn
Inclusive Technology has gathered all their current free resources together in one post, available on their HelpKidzLearn website.

HelpKidzLearn has free trials of many products
Click here to be directed to their offers. There are links to software that is accessible for switches, eye gaze, and for many of their apps.
We hope these links help to provide enjoyable, educational and accessible activities for you and your children during this difficult time.
If you hear of any other similar offers please share with us!
Wishing good health to all our readers.