טיפול שיקום ופנאי

Celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut

By: The Technology Center team | April 15, 2018

Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, is just a couple of days away. Here are a few of the games and activities we have created to enjoy with your kids, while celebrating the holiday.

Israeli Innovations (English)

School children learn about Israeli innovations that are used around the world. Touch the picture to begin.

Celebrating Independence and Travelling around the Country (Hebrew)

Join our students in a virtual tour, visiting interesting and beautiful sites around the country. Enjoy Israeli songs as you go. Touch the picture to begin.

 Make an Israeli flag  (Hebrew)

In this simple game, learn the components of the Israeli flag. The game can easily be integrated into a craft activity, following the digital play with making a real flag. Touch the picture to begin.


 Yom Ha’atzmaut: Israel’s Birthday. What should we give as a present?  (Hebrew)

The State of Israel is celebrating her birthday and the children of the early intervention center want to give her presents. This activity is based on the popular Israeli folk song “Eretz Yisrael Sheli Yafa v’gam Porahat”. Touch the picture to begin.

Israel celebrates 70

An educational game, in honor of Independence Day. You can learn about the story of the establishment of the State of Israel. Touch the picture to begin.

Happy Yom Ha’atzmaut!!

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